
Thursday 19 July 2012

Mini Mochi Wrap

At last a sunny day today to take photos of my finished wrap. The light was streaming in through my bedroom window when I took the first photo of it swirled around. The colours are divine aren't they?

This is the second one I've made from the Hitchin' a Ride pattern, the first one is back here.
It's quite large and makes a nice wrap or rolled into an interesting scarf. I used three skeins of  Mini Mochi from Yarn Over , colour 101 and a 6mm hook, but 2 skeins would make a lovely little scarf. 
It's beautiful and soft and surprisingly warm, and looks fabulous with black.

In stark contrast here's another project I attempted last weekend. It was requested by my son's partner, who is 20 and loves Oscar the Grouch and Slimey his best friend, from Sesame Street. 
Of course no Muppets were injured in the making of this beanie, just my pride in attempting it - here tis,
Stunning isn't it lol. She must wear it to the Ekka this year! If you live in Brisbane you know what the Ekka is. 

I'm thinking of going, not having been for quite a few years. I feel somewhat invincible having had my flu shot this year, and with no dependant children to pay for anymore, it should be a breeze financially.
The child in me is wanting the caramel corn, the licorice and the strawberry icecreams, but the almost 50 me is thinking, do I really want to deal with the crowds, the cold, the noise ... you bet, just this once! 
If we meet up with the young'ns at the Ekka, I'll try to get a pic of Oscar the Grouch flying around on one of the rides,


  1. Your wrap is so beautiful. I'm going to look for a similar yarn here in UK and make it for my son's girlfriend for Christmas.

    1. Hi Yvonne, you might be able to buy it where you are. It's made by Crystal Palace Yarns, an American Company, hopefully a yarn store there might import it.


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